Monday, August 6, 2012

Journal 7: My Personal Learning Network

This relates to NETS-T V.
A Personal Learning Network, or PLN, is a group in which you can share information and resources.Having a number of different people that you can go to ask questions or discuss issues creates an effective learning environment, which expands your knowledge base. My PLN includes groups on Twitter, Diigo, and the Educator’s PLN. As a prospective teacher with little experience, my PLN allows me to gather ideas or get questions answered from people around the world in the education profession that have different ideas and years of experience.

I have used Twitter as a resource tool prior to entering the teaching profession. My current groups include news media, special education resources, child psychology resources, early childhood resources, and other education groups such as edutopia. Twitter has become an amazing tool that provides me specific resources on topics I have interest in. It allows people to share ideas, but I have found the most useful aspect of Twitter is the sharing of articles. Because I share interests with the people and groups I follow, the resources they share or “tweet” are valuable to me. The nature by which Twitter works facilitates learning without actively searching for information. Twitter is also a useful tool for chats between users. My first experience with a chat on Twitter was #edchat, on July 24, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. The topic was PLNs, which was interesting due to the current topic in class. While it was hard to follow at times, because of the vast amount of information being continually added, it did provide good material. One “tweet” I appreciated, was that “the key point in a PLN is that you are in control. You choose who you want to follow and what you want to learn and share with others”.

Diigo is also an exceptional tool for increasing knowledge on specific subjects. By following other members with shared interests, you can view what information they value on the internet. The groups I follow share a common interest: technology in special education. They are Special Education Technology integration, Technology for Special Education, and AT in SPED. The reason I chose to follow these groups is my appreciation for technology and my interest in the special education field as I enter the SPED credential in the fall. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning the technologies in this class and I am curious the best ways to use them with special education students. The pages I tagged PLN were “Once a Teacher”, “Educator’s PLN”, and edWeb. These are all places for resource sharing and information gathering for educators and will help me as I move through the credential program and also in my career as an educator.

The discussion group I joined was the Educator’s PLN. It is a great resource for educators and includes discussion boards, videos, and tutorials. The first thing I chose to do was to view a discussion on the topic of inclusion. It was very interesting to see people’s different perspectives on inclusion and the best way for it to happen. There were also specific ideas for co teaching and things to use with general education and special education students.

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