Monday, August 6, 2012

Journal 6

This relates to NETS-T I.
Spencer, J. (2011, September 19). Ten reasons to get rid of homework (and five alternatives) . Retrieved from

    In the article, John Spencer describes how he feels teachers should get rid of homework and gives nine reasons for his opinion. He shows how busy children already are and he feels that their work should be packed into their school day. This gives them time outside of school to play and reflect on their own. Another reason to get rid of homework that Spencer provides is that the homework process is inequitable for the students. At home, students have a variety of resources at home to help them study and do their homework. Some may have parents that are college graduates and many may have no parents at home until very late at night. Spencer also feels that homework is de-motivates and does not raise achievement because it is not self-directed. He feels that a more effective way to raise achievement and motivate the student would be to let them choose a book to read for fun.
    Instead of homework, Spencer advocates allowing the learning to happen naturally outside of school, through the student’s experiences. He also feels it would be a benefit to make homework an extracurricular activity instead of a forced and graded assignment. Most of all, he feels the inequity of the homework process needs to be fixed.

Ideas for replacements to homework:

1. Extra credit service learning opportunities
2. Journaling about experiences outside school
3. Require them to visit a city monument and write about it
4. Tutor younger students after school
5. Adopt a conservation program in their home and write about it.

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